Welcome to Parrot4sale.com
Guidelines for advertising:
- Keep your profile updated with your city in, not just an area. Plus always have email or phone shown.
- Use the currency symbol € not the text "euro"
- Keep the text short. If they have too much unnecessary info or if you use a long word or sentence where a shorter one is possible, we will adjust the text.
- Use 1.1 for gender notation, not "pair" or "couple". And use . (period) as the seperator.
- Don't write your whole ad in capital letters.
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Starting November 1st, the prices of our subscriptions will increase. This adjustment allows us to continue developer the site and improve the service.
We appreciate your continued support and are committed to providing you with the best possible service.
4. Sep 2021
collection african grey
13 pairs, almost all closed ringed
with c cites, tested on all deseases
13 pairs, almost all closed ringed
with c cites, tested on all deseases
4. Sep 2021
Deroptyus Acciptrinus 1.0. 2009.
Pyrrhura Cruentata 3.1. 2018.
Pyrrhura Cruentata 3.1. 2018.
4. Sep 2021
1-1 Amazone à épaulettes jaunes.
Reproducteur, 2004, sexages et cités ok.
Reproducteur, 2004, sexages et cités ok.
4. Sep 2021
3-1 Brotogeris Tirika 2021
verwant , geringd en papieren van Gendika
verwant , geringd en papieren van Gendika
3. Sep 2021
0.1 Finch Amazon is bought, I drive to Holland during week 36.
3. Sep 2021
1,1 ara rubrogenis male 2009
Né avec une patte
Femelle 2014
Les oiseaux se déplumes eux-mêmes (pas beaucoup)
Ne parle que français
Prix: 1850 €
Répondre par mail ou téléphone
Né avec une patte
Femelle 2014
Les oiseaux se déplumes eux-mêmes (pas beaucoup)
Ne parle que français
Prix: 1850 €
Répondre par mail ou téléphone
2. Sep 2021
1,0 male /2020 Hyacint Macaw ( Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus ) tame
1,0-2020 rubrogenys 1600euro
1,0-2020 rubrogenys 1600euro
31. Aug 2021
1,1 ZP Große Doppelgelbkopf amazone Oratrix von 2013
31. Aug 2021
2.0 Brown headed parrot (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus) CB21, unrelated. I will be in NL on 17-18 sept.
31. Aug 2021
Ara Ambigua 1:0 2018
Ara Hloroptera 0:1 2019
Only pair
Watsaap +725155991
Ara Hloroptera 0:1 2019
Only pair
Watsaap +725155991
31. Aug 2021
1.1 Pionites l. leucogaster 2021 related chip €1600
1.0 Amazona pretrei 2017 Cites €2500
1.0 Amazona pretrei 2017 Cites €2500
30. Aug 2021
2-2 Pionites Melanocephala Pallida.
birds are unrelated and complete.
including DNA
birds are unrelated and complete.
including DNA
30. Aug 2021
0,2 Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria
600 € / bird
Location: Londerzeel (BE)
Tel: (+32)0478293566
600 € / bird
Location: Londerzeel (BE)
Tel: (+32)0478293566
30. Aug 2021
We are a professional taxidermy company from the Netherlands, and we are looking for dead birds. We prefer them alive, but sadly they everything dies and it's a wast to put a beautiful bird with the trash.
We are looking for:
Cockatoos, macaws, rare parrot and lori species. But also other birds such as hornbills, toucans, tanagers, flamingo's etc. If you have anything to offer please send us a message via email of WhatsApp. 0031624346589
Thanks and regards, Willem and Christel "The Breathless Zoo"
We are looking for:
Cockatoos, macaws, rare parrot and lori species. But also other birds such as hornbills, toucans, tanagers, flamingo's etc. If you have anything to offer please send us a message via email of WhatsApp. 0031624346589
Thanks and regards, Willem and Christel "The Breathless Zoo"
30. Aug 2021
2-2 inca Kakatoe
2-0 inca Kakatoe
1-0 helm Kakatoe
0-3 Lutino rose Kakatoe
Jonge Groenvleuge...
2-0 inca Kakatoe
1-0 helm Kakatoe
0-3 Lutino rose Kakatoe
Jonge Groenvleuge...
30. Aug 2021
2-2 inca Kakatoe
2-0 inca Kakatoe
1-0 helm Kakatoe
0-3 Lutino rose Kakatoe
Jonge Groenvleuge...
2-0 inca Kakatoe
1-0 helm Kakatoe
0-3 Lutino rose Kakatoe
Jonge Groenvleuge...
29. Aug 2021
0.1 Toco toucan 2020 close ring perfect birds (info whatsapp)
29. Aug 2021
I’ m looking for 1.0 Ara chloroptera 2007- 2010. Thank you
29. Aug 2021
4,4 Eupsittula canicularis eburnirostrum 2021, unrelated, 400 € per pair
Whats app: +4207739884...
Whats app: +4207739884...