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15. Sep 2018
1.0 Pretrei. Serious people only please. Not cheaters.
14. Sep 2018
2,2 Cacatua Galerita Triton, all 2013, possible bring to Zwolle, only serious offers.
14. Sep 2018
wanted 2-0 redfronted macaw
suche 2-0 rotohr ara
gezocht 2-0 roodoor
Je cherche 2-0 r ara la fre...
suche 2-0 rotohr ara
gezocht 2-0 roodoor
Je cherche 2-0 r ara la fre...
14. Sep 2018
1-1 Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema 2018
14. Sep 2018
1.1 Gelbbrustara-5 jahre-fehlerfrei-geschlossener ring-dieses jahr 3-eier- wer züchten möchte-ein ...
14. Sep 2018
3-3 hoffmanni 18 blutsfremd
5-0 hoffmanni 18
1-1 hoffmanni 18-14 blutsfremd
1-1 hoffmanni 12-12...
5-0 hoffmanni 18
1-1 hoffmanni 18-14 blutsfremd
1-1 hoffmanni 12-12...
14. Sep 2018
2-0 Pionites leucogaster leucogaster 2014
Im going to Zwolle
Im going to Zwolle
14. Sep 2018
2,0 Pionites l. Leugogaster 2017 cloced ring DNA nice 750€ each
1,1 breeding pair with 2 babys, a...
1,1 breeding pair with 2 babys, a...
14. Sep 2018
0-3 Banks kaketoe 2017
2-0 Banks kaketoe 2018
1-0 Molukken kaketoe 2003 (bewezen man, pop gestorve...
2-0 Banks kaketoe 2018
1-0 Molukken kaketoe 2003 (bewezen man, pop gestorve...
14. Sep 2018
0,1 Mysti-blue 2013 breeder.
Für einen Zuchtfreund abzugeben. Anfragen werden nur mit Te...
0,1 Mysti-blue 2013 breeder.
Für einen Zuchtfreund abzugeben. Anfragen werden nur mit Te...
13. Sep 2018
1-1 Pionus menstrus 2018 unrelated
2-0 Pionus menstrus 2018 related
0-2 Pionites leucogaster leuco...
2-0 Pionus menstrus 2018 related
0-2 Pionites leucogaster leuco...
13. Sep 2018
Alexandrine Parakeets:
2-0 Green split Albino (2015-2017)
1-0 Blue split Albino (2017)
1-0 Blue s...
2-0 Green split Albino (2015-2017)
1-0 Blue split Albino (2017)
1-0 Blue s...
13. Sep 2018
Brotogeris chryshopterus, anything have interest
13. Sep 2018
1.2 Ara couloni 16/17
1.1 Ara couloni 17/18
1.1 Amazona farinosa inornater 18 zahm
1.1 Amazona ae...
1.1 Ara couloni 17/18
1.1 Amazona farinosa inornater 18 zahm
1.1 Amazona ae...
13. Sep 2018
0-1 Eclectus roratus 2018 closed ring
0-1 Amazona barbadensis 2018 closed ring, cites and dna avail...
0-1 Amazona barbadensis 2018 closed ring, cites and dna avail...
13. Sep 2018
2/2 Perruche malabar (Psittacula colomboides) B18
2/4 Aratinga de finch B16 et B17
2/4 Aratinga de finch B16 et B17
13. Sep 2018
1,0 Primolius auricollis 2018 Geschlossen beringt mit DNA