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13. Feb 2018
0-0-3 Ochriceohala magna
greater yellow-headed amazon
grote dubbelegeelkop amazone
grosse gelb...
greater yellow-headed amazon
grote dubbelegeelkop amazone
grosse gelb...
13. Feb 2018
Illigers ara - maracana, blauwvleugel ara
primolius (propyrrhura) maracana
illiger's macaw or bl...
primolius (propyrrhura) maracana
illiger's macaw or bl...
13. Feb 2018
1-1 Red-tailed black cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus banksii
brother & sister.
Calyptorhynchus banksii
brother & sister.
13. Feb 2018
1.0 Amazone auropalliata auropalliata 2016 natur.
0.1 Amazone vinacea 2017 natur.
0.2 Amazone vent...
0.1 Amazone vinacea 2017 natur.
0.2 Amazone vent...
13. Feb 2018
1-0 Diopsittaca nobilis cumanensis 2017 parent reared (Naturbrut) 100% ok with DNA.
13. Feb 2018
1.0 Wagleri wagleri frontata 10years old. 350euro.
1.0 Mitrata mitrata 2017 - 250euro.
2.2 Goldcap...
1.0 Mitrata mitrata 2017 - 250euro.
2.2 Goldcap...
13. Feb 2018
1,1 Eclectus roratus polychloros 2016, with papers, closed rings, good harmonic, big and vital coupl...
13. Feb 2018
0,1 Amazona xantholora 2017, natural breeding.
I'm 24. 2. to Zwolle.
I'm 24. 2. to Zwolle.
12. Feb 2018
1,0 Amazona autumnalis (2016) 350€
Missing 1 nail,
Can bring to Zwolle.
Missing 1 nail,
Can bring to Zwolle.
12. Feb 2018
0,1 Grünsittich (Psittacara holochlora holochlora).
1,0 Veilchenpapagei (Pionus fuscus) zr.
0,1 Grüner Kongopapagei (G. gulielmi) zr.
0,1 Carrikersittich (Psittacara frontata minor).
0,1 Goldscheitelsittich (Aratinga auricapilla) zr.
0,1 Smaragdsittich (ferrugineus) zr. 2-3 years.
Can pick Update at Zwolle.
1,0 Veilchenpapagei (Pionus fuscus) zr.
0,1 Grüner Kongopapagei (G. gulielmi) zr.
0,1 Carrikersittich (Psittacara frontata minor).
0,1 Goldscheitelsittich (Aratinga auricapilla) zr.
0,1 Smaragdsittich (ferrugineus) zr. 2-3 years.
Can pick Update at Zwolle.
12. Feb 2018
1/0 Bankskakadu von 2011
1/0 Bankskakadu von 2017
komme nach Zwolle.
1/0 Bankskakadu von 2017
komme nach Zwolle.
12. Feb 2018
1-1 Lorius chlorocercus 2016/2017
1-1 Lorius garrulus flavopa...
1-1 Lorius chlorocercus 2016/2017
1-1 Lorius garrulus flavopa...
12. Feb 2018
1,0 Palmkakadu (Probosciger aterrimus) nach Paarzusammenstelung NZ. 2016 sehr schöner Hahn nur erns...
11. Feb 2018
2,1 CB 2017 Grey-headed parrots - Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus (can make unrelated pair)
11. Feb 2018
1-1 Double yellow head amazon - magna
adult, closed rings.
adult, closed rings.
11. Feb 2018
1-1 Clorolepitodus (with a lot of yellow on the brest) 2015.
1-1 Amazzoni xantops 2017.
0-1 Trichl...
1-1 Amazzoni xantops 2017.
0-1 Trichl...
11. Feb 2018
1/1 breeding pair Lorius domicellus closed ring and PBFD test ok 2900€
1/1 young pair 2017 Lorius...
1/1 young pair 2017 Lorius...
Czech Republic
11. Feb 2018
Amazona pretrei 1,1 + 2,0 (2017)
Amazona auropalliata 1,0 (2017)
Amazona ventralis 1,3 (2017)
Amazona aestiva bahia 1,1 (2017)
Amazona collaria 2,0 (2017)
Amazona brasiliensis 1,2 (2017)
Amazona festiva bodini 1,1 (2017)
Amazona autumnalis mexicana (2016)
Possible transport to Zwolle.
Amazona auropalliata 1,0 (2017)
Amazona ventralis 1,3 (2017)
Amazona aestiva bahia 1,1 (2017)
Amazona collaria 2,0 (2017)
Amazona brasiliensis 1,2 (2017)
Amazona festiva bodini 1,1 (2017)
Amazona autumnalis mexicana (2016)
Possible transport to Zwolle.
10. Feb 2018
Ringnecks 2016:
1-1 Blue pastel whitehead-whitetail.
0-1 Violet pastel whitehead-whitetail.
0-1 C...
1-1 Blue pastel whitehead-whitetail.
0-1 Violet pastel whitehead-whitetail.
0-1 C...