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16. Dec 2017
Halsbandsittiche in violett
wkws und andere farbmutationen in violett.
Bitte Angebote mit Bilder u...
wkws und andere farbmutationen in violett.
Bitte Angebote mit Bilder u...
15. Dec 2017
5.5 paar senagalus young.
5.5 aratinga solsista young.
5.5 pionites or malochepala or xanthomeria....
5.5 aratinga solsista young.
5.5 pionites or malochepala or xanthomeria....
15. Dec 2017
Gebe ab: 1,1 Feuerflügelsittiche NZ 2017 blutsfremd und geschlossen beringt.
15. Dec 2017
Very rare colour mutations:
Eclectus Parrots:
Blue x split blue
Split blue x blue
Split blue x ...
Eclectus Parrots:
Blue x split blue
Split blue x blue
Split blue x ...
15. Dec 2017
Tamme blauwvoorhoofd amazone
15 weken
15 weken
15. Dec 2017
Looking for breeding pairs zp kweekoppels of broedrijpe koppels:
5-5 Pionites leucogaster leucogas...
5-5 Pionites leucogaster leucogas...
15. Dec 2017
0,1 Cactus conure 2017 for 1,0 Cactus conure. 1,0 Aztek conure 2017 for 0,1 Aztek conure.
15. Dec 2017
0,2 Cactus conure 2017. Possibility to form a pair with a male from 2012. Can be delivered in Zwolle...
15. Dec 2017
1.1 Amazona rhodocorytha (breedpair).
1.1 Amazona magna 2016 (Naolleau bloodline).
1.1 Amazona magna 2016 (Naolleau bloodline).
14. Dec 2017
1-1 Bahia Amazons 2017 unrelated.
1-1 Ara glaucogularis 2014 unrelated.
1-0 Ara glaucogularis 2017...
1-1 Ara glaucogularis 2014 unrelated.
1-0 Ara glaucogularis 2017...
13. Dec 2017
2/1 Ara chloroptera 2017.
0/1 Ara ararauna 2017.
2/0 Nestor notabilis 2017.
2/1 Ara ambiguus 2016...
0/1 Ara ararauna 2017.
2/0 Nestor notabilis 2017.
2/1 Ara ambiguus 2016...
13. Dec 2017
1 pair of Guarouba unrelated DNA sexed yellow cites closed ring from 2016
13. Dec 2017
0,1 Palmkakadu 2005 goliath, close ring and CITES. tests negative.
13. Dec 2017
3 pairs of Guarouba unrelated dna sexed yellow cites closed ring from 2017.
1 pair of Auropalliata ...
1 pair of Auropalliata ...
12. Dec 2017
0,1 Borstenkopfpapagei/Psittrichas fulgidus/Pesquet Parrot from 2012. Perfect condition and closed r...
12. Dec 2017
0/1 Ara canindee / blue throated macaw 17 years old , perfect feather close rung all nails and toes...
12. Dec 2017
1.0 Amazona auropalliata hondurensis,
1.0 Amazona auropalliata caribes
For adult females.
1.0 Amazona auropalliata caribes
For adult females.