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12. Nov 2017
Ara Ararauna 2017 for sale, tame, self-reliant, with DNA and PBDF tests, very stong parrots. Possibi...
12. Nov 2017
1-1 Rose kaketoe 94x91
1-1 Rose kaketoe 07x07, pop niet compleet
1-0 Naaktoog kaketoe 2017
1-0 De...
1-1 Rose kaketoe 07x07, pop niet compleet
1-0 Naaktoog kaketoe 2017
1-0 De...
12. Nov 2017
For sale, 1 Hyacint male from 2017 price € 10,500
12. Nov 2017
1.0 Pionus Chalcopterus with ADN & close ring.
2 until 10 years old.
2 until 10 years old.
12. Nov 2017
ara macao 0,2 - 1,0 /2017 ara macao 0,2 / 2016 cites ok, natural breeding.
12. Nov 2017
1-1 Ara couloni 2013.
1-0 Ara de lafresnaye 2017 cites et test ok.
1-0 Ara de lafresnaye 2017 cites et test ok.
12. Nov 2017
1/1 lorius domicellus 2017 sexed and PBFD test
I will be in Reggio the saturday
I will be in Reggio the saturday
12. Nov 2017
1-0 Poicephalus G. MASSAICUS 3-8 years , closed ring . not tame , dna papers , healty/complete bird...
11. Nov 2017
1,1 (pair) Gustav´s Parakeets (Brotogeris cyanoptera gustavi), from 2016, unrelated, sexed. (Cobalt...
11. Nov 2017
1,1 Ara nobilis 2011-2013.
1,1 Cacatua Sulphurea abbotti 2011-2013.
Closed rings, incl. sexingpape...
1,1 Cacatua Sulphurea abbotti 2011-2013.
Closed rings, incl. sexingpape...
11. Nov 2017
I am looking for female l. Leucogaster 2016 or 2017.
Greentighed female caique 2016 or 2017.
Greentighed female caique 2016 or 2017.
11. Nov 2017
2,0 Poicephalus fuscicollis, sexually mature.
11. Nov 2017
1,1 Blaukappenamazone NZ16/NZ17 blutsfremd mit DNA zusammen 800€.
11. Nov 2017
Aras ararauna eleves a la main propre elevage bagues 2017.
1 male et 2 femelles contact au 00335630...
1 male et 2 femelles contact au 00335630...
11. Nov 2017
I need female more of 3-4 years of buffon macaw or hyacint macaw. Thanks.
11. Nov 2017
Coppia oratrix magna adulte 3500,00 coppia Xanthopteryx adulta 1200,00 coppia messicana adulta 2800,...
Czech Republic
10. Nov 2017
NZ 2017:
1,1 + 2,0 amazona pretrei
1,1 amazona auropalliata
1,1 amazona barbadensis
2,4 amazona ventralis
1,1 amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 amazona collaria
1,2 amazona brasiliensis
1,0 amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
1,1 + 2,0 amazona pretrei
1,1 amazona auropalliata
1,1 amazona barbadensis
2,4 amazona ventralis
1,1 amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 amazona collaria
1,2 amazona brasiliensis
1,0 amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
10. Nov 2017
I would like to exchange a male. I have a 1-0 Magna Amazone 2017 (Amazona ochrocephala oratrix).
10. Nov 2017
2-0 Magna Amazone of 2017 (Amazona ochrocephala oratrix).
Steel ring, complete, with DNA (Gendika) ...
Steel ring, complete, with DNA (Gendika) ...
10. Nov 2017
Brotogeris Tirica.
3 couples of tirica for sale.
Birds are sold with dna certificate.
Birds a...
3 couples of tirica for sale.
Birds are sold with dna certificate.
Birds a...