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10. Nov 2017
Brotogeris Tirica.
3 couples of tirica for sale.
Birds are sold with dna certificate.
Birds a...
3 couples of tirica for sale.
Birds are sold with dna certificate.
Birds a...
10. Nov 2017
1-1 middelbeo, 10 jaar oud, gesloten ring en verwant.
vogels worden niet apart verkocht.
prijs 195...
vogels worden niet apart verkocht.
prijs 195...
10. Nov 2017
For sale
0.2 ara ararauna semi tame. Flying in a aviary. Close ring, dna sex test and all documents...
0.2 ara ararauna semi tame. Flying in a aviary. Close ring, dna sex test and all documents...
10. Nov 2017
1,1 Caracara plancus, 2012.
1,1 Ramphastos sulfuratus, 2013.
1,1 Ramphastos sulfuratus, 2013.
10. Nov 2017
Eclectus 0-1 Born 2017. Parents raised
Complete. Fly out one of these days but can not leave until ...
Complete. Fly out one of these days but can not leave until ...
9. Nov 2017
2-2 pairs galah lutino male x normal female 2017
1-1 pairs galah split lutino x lutino female 2017
1-1 pairs galah split lutino x lutino female 2017
9. Nov 2017
1-1 lorius lory lory or erythrothorax parent reared and unrelated.
1-0 chalcopsitta atra insignis
1-0 chalcopsitta atra insignis
9. Nov 2017
0,4 Amazona Oratrix 14-16-17
1,0 Amazona Oratrix 17
1,1 Amazona Vinacea 17
All papers ok
1,0 Amazona Oratrix 17
1,1 Amazona Vinacea 17
All papers ok
9. Nov 2017
Eolophus roseicapilla
Cacatua rosa
Cacatua galah
Feamale 2015
Hembra 2015
Cacatua rosa
Cacatua galah
Feamale 2015
Hembra 2015
9. Nov 2017
2,0 Blaulatzsittich NZ 2016 und 2017 Circo Borna und Polyoma negativ. Cites vorhanden.
9. Nov 2017
2.0 Amazona auropalliata 2017. DNA and Yellow Cites. Raisted by their parents. 100% ok and god flyer...
9. Nov 2017
1-0 Guarouba (Golden conure, Goldsittich)
1-0 Lutino Rosa Kakatoe
must be adult and perfect b...
1-0 Lutino Rosa Kakatoe
must be adult and perfect b...
9. Nov 2017
1,2 Tresmarias Amazon 2017, 5 months old, CITES, DNA, closed ring, Pbfd-Polyoma Test all negative. The last photo the parents (not for sale).
8. Nov 2017
2,1 Psittacara holochlora strenua 17.
1,0 Enicognathus Ferrugineus 16.
1,0 Ara nobilis 13.
1,0 Psittacara holochlora holochlora 16.
3,1 Pionus chalcopterus 17-16.
1,0 Enicognathus Ferrugineus 16.
1,0 Ara nobilis 13.
1,0 Psittacara holochlora holochlora 16.
3,1 Pionus chalcopterus 17-16.
8. Nov 2017
1.1 Aratinga acuticaudata (2017);
2.2 Aratinga finschi (2017);
2.0 Aratinga p. suriname (2017);
2.2 Aratinga finschi (2017);
2.0 Aratinga p. suriname (2017);
8. Nov 2017
3,1 Monogas weisohr 16/17
1,0 Poicephalus versteri 2017
1,0 Poicephalus versteri 2017
8. Nov 2017
2.2 cacatua leadbeateri 2017;
0.1 pionites Leucogaster Leucogaster 2016;
2.2 pionites Leucogaster ...
0.1 pionites Leucogaster Leucogaster 2016;
2.2 pionites Leucogaster ...
8. Nov 2017
0/1 Ara glaucogularis (caninde) 2016
Cites ok.
Cites ok.
8. Nov 2017
Zuchtpaar Rotohraras , Top Vögel ohne Fehler.
mehrmals gezogen .umständehalber zu verkaufen.
mehrmals gezogen .umständehalber zu verkaufen.