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13. Oct 2017
Amazona xanthopteryx
1-1 2017 4000 euros.
0-1 2015 2000 euros.
A lot of yellow.
Speak only french.
1-1 2017 4000 euros.
0-1 2015 2000 euros.
A lot of yellow.
Speak only french.
13. Oct 2017
1,0 Pionites l.leugogaster from 2016.
2,0 Pionites l. leugogaster from 2017.
1,1 Pyrrhura cruentat...
2,0 Pionites l. leugogaster from 2017.
1,1 Pyrrhura cruentat...
13. Oct 2017
1 pair Inka cockatoo 2013 breeding.
1 pair Inka 2014.
1 pair Pteroglossus inscriptus 2014.
1 pair Inka 2014.
1 pair Pteroglossus inscriptus 2014.
12. Oct 2017
1.0 Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, 2017 Closed Banded, Dna Sexed.
12. Oct 2017
Brr pair Amazona auropalliata EU cites ok.
Pair Ara ararauna 4 years old.
Pair Ara ararauna 4 years old.
12. Oct 2017
0-2 Eclectus nieuw guinea 10j old.
1-2 Eclectus nieuw guinea 2017 tame.
1-1 Alisterus scapularis...
1-2 Eclectus nieuw guinea 2017 tame.
1-1 Alisterus scapularis...
12. Oct 2017
1,1 Rostkappenpapagei, grünschenklig (Pionites leucogaster leucogaster)
Mit DNA-Test; PBFD, APV un...
Mit DNA-Test; PBFD, APV un...
Czech Republic
12. Oct 2017
NZ 2017:
1,1 Amazona auropalliata
1,1 Amazona vinacea
1,1 Amazona barbadensis
2,0 Amazona pretrei
2,4 Amazona ventralis
1,0 Amazona xanthops
1,1 Amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 Amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 Amazona collaria
1,2 Amazona brasiliensis
1,0 Amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 Amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
1,1 Amazona farinosa farinosa - 5 Jahre alt
1,1 Amazona farinosa virenticeps - 5 Jahre alt
Zuchtpaar/breeding pair:
1,1 Amazona finschi woodi - 5 Jahre alt + 2x NZ 2017
Möglicher Transport nach Vogelmarkt in Erfurt (14/10) oder Assen (28/10).
1,1 Amazona auropalliata
1,1 Amazona vinacea
1,1 Amazona barbadensis
2,0 Amazona pretrei
2,4 Amazona ventralis
1,0 Amazona xanthops
1,1 Amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 Amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 Amazona collaria
1,2 Amazona brasiliensis
1,0 Amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 Amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
1,1 Amazona farinosa farinosa - 5 Jahre alt
1,1 Amazona farinosa virenticeps - 5 Jahre alt
Zuchtpaar/breeding pair:
1,1 Amazona finschi woodi - 5 Jahre alt + 2x NZ 2017
Möglicher Transport nach Vogelmarkt in Erfurt (14/10) oder Assen (28/10).
11. Oct 2017
0.2 Cacatoès Banksi 2015
1.1 Amazona Oratrix Magna
1.1 Amazona Oratrix Magna
11. Oct 2017
Pyrrhura molinae blueviolet sf 2-2
Bleuhypoxanthaviolet sf 0-1
Bleuhypoxanthaviolet sf 0-1
11. Oct 2017
2,1 Blossom-headed Parakeet (Psittacula roseata) 2011/2014, breeding pair + male.
2,1 Horned Parake...
2,1 Horned Parake...
11. Oct 2017
Cacatua Sulphurea Abbotti young or older pairs or single birds.
11. Oct 2017
Hello there, we have available more 20 pairs of parrots and candle tested fertile eggs with incubato...
10. Oct 2017
1,0 Amazona auropalliata parvipes von 2017
Naturbrut von sehr guter Dänischen blutslinie.
100% ...
Naturbrut von sehr guter Dänischen blutslinie.
100% ...
10. Oct 2017
Gebirgsaras - P. couloni - zuchtreif, Naturbrut, blutsfremd.
10. Oct 2017
2/0 Banks kakadu élever main ADN + pbfd de janvier 2017.
10. Oct 2017
0,2 Rosakakadu NZ 4/2017 VB 480 Stück.
1,1 Zuchtpaar Grünzügelpapageien 1,0 von 2006 + 0,1 von 2...
1,1 Zuchtpaar Grünzügelpapageien 1,0 von 2006 + 0,1 von 2...
10. Oct 2017
Looking for a male Inka kaketoe. ( adult )