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8. Oct 2017
1/0 Guaruba 2017 handfeed, cites c, closed ring, dna.
1/0 Robuste fuscicollis 2017 closed ring, dna...
1/0 Robuste fuscicollis 2017 closed ring, dna...
7. Oct 2017
For sale. 15 babies greys parrot eating alone very tame. With original cites one.
7. Oct 2017
Zucht paar 1,1 Amazona oratrix.12-8 jahre. 2500euro.
7. Oct 2017
Palm cockatoo - Probosciger aterrimus goliath or stenolophus.
1 or 2 pairs, possible also male or f...
1 or 2 pairs, possible also male or f...
7. Oct 2017
Szépen harmonizáló moluku kakadu pár. Hím 7 tojó 6 éves eladó! Kizárólag komoly
7. Oct 2017
Beautiful harmonic moluku cockatoo pair.
Male 7 laying 6 year old seller!
It's just serious invite...
Male 7 laying 6 year old seller!
It's just serious invite...
7. Oct 2017
2/0 Cape parrot 2017 bred close rung all nails and toes.
Can deliver Calais, Belguim and Holland by...
Can deliver Calais, Belguim and Holland by...
6. Oct 2017
dead Macaw, cockatoo, toucan, exotic mammals for taxidermy.
6. Oct 2017
1,0 Inka Kakadu ZH 2008
3,0 Inka Kakadu JV 2017
2000€ pro stük.
3,0 Inka Kakadu JV 2017
2000€ pro stük.
6. Oct 2017
1-1 pair Banksi banksi magnificus 2015 £10500 / 11500€
2-0 cock Banksi banksi magnificus 2012 £...
2-0 cock Banksi banksi magnificus 2012 £...
6. Oct 2017
1.1 Poicephalus Rufiventris breeding pair.
1.1 Poicephalus Rufiventris 1.0 15 and 0.1 14
1.1 Poicephalus Rufiventris 1.0 15 and 0.1 14
6. Oct 2017
female Calyptorhynchus funereus funereus 2016/17
6. Oct 2017
Привет хочу купить попугая
Thank you for your ad Сергей Василь...
Thank you for your ad Сергей Василь...
6. Oct 2017
1.1 Aceros plicatus
1.3 Buceros hydrocorax
1.1 Tropicranus albocristatus
1.5 Toco toucan
1.1 Ecl...
1.3 Buceros hydrocorax
1.1 Tropicranus albocristatus
1.5 Toco toucan
1.1 Ecl...
6. Oct 2017
0,2 Amazona dufresniana 2017
1,2 Amazona festiva festiva 2017
1,0 Eclectus roratus salomonensis 20...
1,2 Amazona festiva festiva 2017
1,0 Eclectus roratus salomonensis 20...
6. Oct 2017
1.1 Blue fronted amazon (amazona aestiva) breeding pair 18 years old.
5. Oct 2017
0.0.2 Buffon macaw, dna is made, close ring, cites.
1.1 breedingpair African grey, cites.
0.0.1 Af...
1.1 breedingpair African grey, cites.
0.0.1 Af...
Czech Republic
5. Oct 2017
NZ 2017:
1,1 Amazona vinacea
0,1 Amazona auropalliata
1,1 Amazona barbadensis
2,0 Amazona pretrei
2,4 Amazona ventralis
1,0 Amazona xanthops
1,1 Amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 Amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 Amazona collaria
1,2 Amazona brasiliensis
1,0 Amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 Amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
1,1 Amazona farinosa farinosa - 5 Jahre alt
1,1 Amazona farinosa virenticeps - 5 Jahre alt
Zuchtpaar/breeding pair:
1,1 Amazona finschi woodi - 5 Jahre alt + 3x NZ 2017
Möglich Transport nach Vogelmarkt in Erfurt (14/10) oder Assen (28/10).
1,1 Amazona vinacea
0,1 Amazona auropalliata
1,1 Amazona barbadensis
2,0 Amazona pretrei
2,4 Amazona ventralis
1,0 Amazona xanthops
1,1 Amazona aestiva bahia
1,1 Amazona albifrons albifrons
2,0 Amazona collaria
1,2 Amazona brasiliensis
1,0 Amazona autumnalis mexicana 2016
2,0 Amazona autumnalis salvini 2015
1,1 Amazona farinosa farinosa - 5 Jahre alt
1,1 Amazona farinosa virenticeps - 5 Jahre alt
Zuchtpaar/breeding pair:
1,1 Amazona finschi woodi - 5 Jahre alt + 3x NZ 2017
Möglich Transport nach Vogelmarkt in Erfurt (14/10) oder Assen (28/10).
5. Oct 2017
0,1 Bergsittichmutation in Lutino aus 2017er, Naturbrut, geschlossen beringt.