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14. Dec 2023
5.5 Poicephalus senegalus breeders
4.4 African grey breeding pairs/ 0-2
4.4 African grey breeding pairs/ 0-2
13. Dec 2023
3.0 Amazona oratrix magna 2023 with closed ring and cites. Good price for all!
13. Dec 2023
Looking for Baby handtamed birds 2023
Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria
Pionites melanocephalus
Poicephalus senegalus
Poicephalus meyeri
Eolophus roseicapilla
Lophochroa leadbeateri
Cacatua alba
Cacatua ducorpsii
Cacatua moluccensis
Cacatua goffiniana
Cacatua sanguinea
Cacatua galerita
Cacatua s. sulphurea
Milligold macaw
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
Hybrid ara
Psittacus erithacus
Psittacus timneh
Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria
Pionites melanocephalus
Poicephalus senegalus
Poicephalus meyeri
Eolophus roseicapilla
Lophochroa leadbeateri
Cacatua alba
Cacatua ducorpsii
Cacatua moluccensis
Cacatua goffiniana
Cacatua sanguinea
Cacatua galerita
Cacatua s. sulphurea
Milligold macaw
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
Hybrid ara
Psittacus erithacus
Psittacus timneh
13. Dec 2023
1.0 Cacatua banksii 2018
0.1 Cacatua monluccensis cic C 2023
0.1 Cacatua monluccensis cic C 2023
12. Dec 2023
2.1 Amazona aestiva xanthopteryx NZ 23
11. Dec 2023
1.1 Cacatua g. galerita
1.1 Cacatua g. triton
1.1 Cacatua g. eleonora
1.1 Cacatua g. triton
1.1 Cacatua g. eleonora
11. Dec 2023
0.1 Calyptorhynchus banksii samueli 2023
All virus tests ok
Hand rared but not tame
All virus tests ok
Hand rared but not tame
10. Dec 2023
Amazona auropalliata breeding pairs
1.1 2004,2003
1.1 2014,2018
1.1 2004,2003
1.1 2014,2018
10. Dec 2023
0.1 Banks rabenkakadu zrf.; 2023:
1.0 Banks rabenkakadu;
3.3 Goldsittiche;
1.3 Rosakakadu luti...
1.0 Banks rabenkakadu;
3.3 Goldsittiche;
1.3 Rosakakadu luti...
10. Dec 2023
1.1 Caninde blauwkeel ara 2017
Puntgave vogels
Bewezen koppel
Vast ring en papieren in orde
Puntgave vogels
Bewezen koppel
Vast ring en papieren in orde
10. Dec 2023
1.1 Amazona xanthops, Gelbbauchamazone, blutsfremd, Naturbrut, DNZ 2022, geschl. beringt aus Platzgründen günstig abzugeben, 950€
9. Dec 2023
1.0 Cacatua leadbeateri 2014, closed ring DNA documents ok.
8. Dec 2023
Split blue eclectus
1.1 split x split
Female parentraised
Male handraised
Unrelated 2023
1.1 split x split
Female parentraised
Male handraised
Unrelated 2023
8. Dec 2023
1.1 Primolius maracana 2016
male with ring
female with microchip
birds in perfect condition
all papers and CITES present
This birds got 3 eggs this year
1.100 €
birds on picture
1.1 Primolius maracana 2022-2021
both birds with rings
all papers and CITES present
1.100 €
male with ring
female with microchip
birds in perfect condition
all papers and CITES present
This birds got 3 eggs this year
1.100 €
birds on picture
1.1 Primolius maracana 2022-2021
both birds with rings
all papers and CITES present
1.100 €
8. Dec 2023
1.0 Cacatua leadbeateri 2018, closed ring DNA a pbfd documents OK or trade for the same, better youn...
8. Dec 2023
1.1 Ara rubrogenys 2017
1.1 Primolous couloni 2022
1.1 Primolous couloni 2022
7. Dec 2023
1.0 Scarlet macaw +4 years, with a lot of yellow.
Busco macho ara Macao, con +4 años, con mucho amarillo.
Busco macho ara Macao, con +4 años, con mucho amarillo.
6. Dec 2023
1.0 Catalina macaw 2023, cic ok, very big size, natural breeding
1.1 Amazona xantholaema 2022
1.1 Amazona xantholaema 2022