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4. Sep 2023
1.1 African Greys breeding pair, cites ok
4. Sep 2023
0.1 Cacatua moluccensis 2023
1.1 Cacatua alba 2018
1.1 Cacatua alba 2018
4. Sep 2023
Amazona auropalliata
1.1 2022
4.0 2023 tamte cites Ok
1.0-2023 Ara macao tamte
1.1 2022
4.0 2023 tamte cites Ok
1.0-2023 Ara macao tamte
4. Sep 2023
A. auropaliata parvip 2023
A. auropalliata caribaea 2023
A. mazona ochrocephala 2023
A. auropalliata caribaea 2023
A. mazona ochrocephala 2023
3. Sep 2023
1.0 Gelbbug Blaustirnamazonen Xanthopteryx ab: 2022, Natur- Brut
3. Sep 2023
1.3 Pionus fuscus 23
1.1 Pionus reichenowi 23 no related
0.1 Pionus reichenowi 17
1.1 Pionus reichenowi 23 no related
0.1 Pionus reichenowi 17
2. Sep 2023
4.3 Geelnek amazone auripoliata
0.2 Cuba amazone leucophala
3.2 Ecuador amazone lilacina
1.1 Finsch amazone
6.4 Blauwbaard amazone festiva
6.1 Geelschouder blauwvoorhoofd amazone xanthopterix
1.1 Bodini amazone festiva festiva
0.2 Bodini amazone festiva festiva
1.0 Guatemala amazone
0.1 Wijnborst vinacea amazone
0.1 Ventralis hispaniola amazone
1.1 Barbadensis amazone
0.2 Cuba amazone leucophala
3.2 Ecuador amazone lilacina
1.1 Finsch amazone
6.4 Blauwbaard amazone festiva
6.1 Geelschouder blauwvoorhoofd amazone xanthopterix
1.1 Bodini amazone festiva festiva
0.2 Bodini amazone festiva festiva
1.0 Guatemala amazone
0.1 Wijnborst vinacea amazone
0.1 Ventralis hispaniola amazone
1.1 Barbadensis amazone
2. Sep 2023
Birds of 2023, all tamed
1.0.0 Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) (almost weaned)
2.0.2 Green-wing macaw (Ara chloropterus) (1 already weaned)
0.0.2 African grey (Psittacus erithacus)
0.0.2 Yellow-headed amazon (Amazon oratrix)
1.0.0 Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) (almost weaned)
2.0.2 Green-wing macaw (Ara chloropterus) (1 already weaned)
0.0.2 African grey (Psittacus erithacus)
0.0.2 Yellow-headed amazon (Amazon oratrix)
2. Sep 2023
0.1 Trichlaria malachitacea 2021
Perfect bird but not good flyers,close ring,breed by parents.
Perfect bird but not good flyers,close ring,breed by parents.
94542 Haarbach
2. Sep 2023
0.1 Hyazinth 2002 fehlerfrei
1.0 Hyazinth 2002 Gefiederschaden, beide gechippt und Cites
1.0 Hyazinth 2002 Gefiederschaden, beide gechippt und Cites
2. Sep 2023
1.1 Pionites melanocephala pallida 2018 2100€
Hen rough on belly-sexed-tested-unrelated
Hen rough on belly-sexed-tested-unrelated
1. Sep 2023
F. conspicillatus:
2.1 Cinnamon 22/23
0.1 Misty-cinnamon 22
4.0 Green/cinnamon 22-23
2.1 Cinnamon 22/23
0.1 Misty-cinnamon 22
4.0 Green/cinnamon 22-23
1. Sep 2023
1.1 Orangecrest 2011
1.1 Rubrogenys 13/15
2.1 Gouarouba 08/12/16
1.1 Magna '14 and'19
1.1 Xanthopterix '12
0.1 Magna '19/'20/'21/'22/'23
4.4 Xantopterix '23
stop breeding
1.1 Rubrogenys 13/15
2.1 Gouarouba 08/12/16
1.1 Magna '14 and'19
1.1 Xanthopterix '12
0.1 Magna '19/'20/'21/'22/'23
4.4 Xantopterix '23
stop breeding
1. Sep 2023
3.1.2 Ara rubrogenys 2023
0.0.8 Ara auricollis 2023
1.1.4 Pionites xanthomeria
0.0.8 Ara auricollis 2023
1.1.4 Pionites xanthomeria
29. Aug 2023
Amazona auropalliata
1.1 2022
4.0 2023 tamte cites Ok
1.1 2022
4.0 2023 tamte cites Ok
29. Aug 2023
1.1 Ramphastos dicolorus
Closed ring.
Closed ring.