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- Keep your profile updated with your city in, not just an area. Plus always have email or phone shown.
- Use the currency symbol € not the text "euro"
- Keep the text short. If they have too much unnecessary info or if you use a long word or sentence where a shorter one is possible, we will adjust the text.
- Use 1.1 for gender notation, not "pair" or "couple". And use . (period) as the seperator.
- Don't write your whole ad in capital letters.
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Starting November 1st, the prices of our subscriptions will increase. This adjustment allows us to continue developer the site and improve the service.
We appreciate your continued support and are committed to providing you with the best possible service.
4. Aug 2023
0.1 Ara ararauna 11 HU. 1500 €
1,1 Ara harlequin 12, Ara chloropterus 14 HU. 5000 €
1,1 Ara harlequin 12, Ara chloropterus 14 HU. 5000 €
4. Aug 2023
Ringnecks 2023
1.0 Turq Mauve Dom pied/opa/?wkws
2.0 Blue Dom pied/opa/wkws
0.2 Blue Dom pied o...
1.0 Turq Mauve Dom pied/opa/?wkws
2.0 Blue Dom pied/opa/wkws
0.2 Blue Dom pied o...
3. Aug 2023
Alexandrines 2023
All birds with DNA and PBFD and APV test
1.1 Aqua/ ino, pos. rec. grey x albino rec. Grey
1.1 Blue/ ino, pos. rec grey x lutino/ rec. grey pos. Blue
0.1 DF bronze
1.1 Lutino x DF bronze
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue/ pos. rec grey
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue/ pos. rec grey
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue
1.1 Split ino x lutino
3.1 SF bronze
2.2 pos. split ino, blue x pos. blue
0.4 green
Alexandrines 2022
2.0 DF bronze
0.1 SF bronze
2.0 split blue, pos. Ino, rec.grey
Plumheads 2023
4.0 pastel dilute
0.1 dilute/ pastel
All birds with DNA and PBFD and APV test
1.1 Aqua/ ino, pos. rec. grey x albino rec. Grey
1.1 Blue/ ino, pos. rec grey x lutino/ rec. grey pos. Blue
0.1 DF bronze
1.1 Lutino x DF bronze
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue/ pos. rec grey
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue/ pos. rec grey
1.1 Split blue, pos. ino, rec grey x blue
1.1 Split ino x lutino
3.1 SF bronze
2.2 pos. split ino, blue x pos. blue
0.4 green
Alexandrines 2022
2.0 DF bronze
0.1 SF bronze
2.0 split blue, pos. Ino, rec.grey
Plumheads 2023
4.0 pastel dilute
0.1 dilute/ pastel
2. Aug 2023
1.1 breeding pair & 1.0 Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema (Marajo)
2. Aug 2023
Ara Ararauna babies - 8-12 weeks old
1350 EUR / head
Delivery possible in Spain, Belgium, France, Netherlands.
1350 EUR / head
Delivery possible in Spain, Belgium, France, Netherlands.
2. Aug 2023
I'm currently looking for:
- Eolophus roseicapilla - babies/young/tame 2023
- 2.2 Ara Chloropterus (proven pair)
- Amazona Aestiva (adults, pairs, not proven)
- Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) cremino - snowwhite - lutino
- Black Headed Caique/Pionites melanocephalus (adult/no tame)
- White Bellied Caique/Pionites leucogaster (adult/no tame)
WhatsApp: +32.484.217.217
- Eolophus roseicapilla - babies/young/tame 2023
- 2.2 Ara Chloropterus (proven pair)
- Amazona Aestiva (adults, pairs, not proven)
- Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) cremino - snowwhite - lutino
- Black Headed Caique/Pionites melanocephalus (adult/no tame)
- White Bellied Caique/Pionites leucogaster (adult/no tame)
WhatsApp: +32.484.217.217
94542 Haarbach
2. Aug 2023
1.1 Hyazinth 2002
Breeding pairs Rostkappen:
4.4 Grünschenkel
7.7 Gelbschenkel
Breeding pairs Rostkappen:
4.4 Grünschenkel
7.7 Gelbschenkel
2. Aug 2023
3.0.0 Amazona oratrix 2022
2.3.5 Amazona oratrix 2023
2.3.5 Amazona oratrix 2023
2. Aug 2023
2.1 Primolius maracana 2023 handfed
Cites ok
Cites ok
2. Aug 2023
Psittacula eupatria
Split2015xlutino2018 5200€
Split2015xlutino2018 5200€
2. Aug 2023
Cacatua leadbeateri 2012x2017 7500€
Eolophus roseicapilla split2020xlutino2021 3600€
Eolophus roseicapilla split2020xlutino2021 3600€
2. Aug 2023
Cacatua mollucensis 2016x2017 11000€
C. alba 2012 4100€
C. galerita 2008x2009 3600€
C. alba 2012 4100€
C. galerita 2008x2009 3600€
2. Aug 2023
1.1 BP Am.auropalliata 2012/2015
0.1 Am.auropalliata 2022
All 100%, ring, Cites, DNA
0.1 Am.auropalliata 2022
All 100%, ring, Cites, DNA
2. Aug 2023
Incubator INCA 100, brand new still packed in original packaging
1. Aug 2023
1.1 Chalcopsitta atra insignis 22
2.2 Loriculus galgulus 22
2.2 Loriculus galgulus 22
31. Jul 2023
2.0 Babies Red-and-green macaw (ara chloropterus) 1600€
2.0 Babies Blue and gold macaw (ara ararauna) 950€
2.0 Babies Blue and gold macaw (ara ararauna) 950€
31. Jul 2023
1.0 Ara glaucogularis 2018
1.0 Ara shamy-gold ( Shamrock x ararauna ) 2022
0.0.3 Ara shamy-gold 20...
1.0 Ara shamy-gold ( Shamrock x ararauna ) 2022
0.0.3 Ara shamy-gold 20...
30. Jul 2023
0.1 Cacatua Moluccensis 2023, Tame, Dna, Cites, Tested all ok. €5500.